2020 — ON GOING 

Safara - Lucid Dream 2020 is a Live Cinema performance, where I explore generative music, soundscapes, analog photography and real-time interactivity. The goal is to tell a story about a Lucid Dream I had while in the village of Safara (Alentejo, Portugal) in February 2020.


(2020) Live Performance Meeting, Rome Italy.

(2021) Live Streaming. Funded by: Republica Portuguesa, Ministério da Cultura.

(2022) [IN] Tagibilidades Digitais, Loulé, Portugal.

(2022) Collaboration with Associação Cultural Trugia, Beja, Portugal. Funded by Câmara Municipal de Moura + Direção Regional de Cultura do Alentejo.

(2023) MuseoZero, Tavira, Portugal.